MV - CPCEMU Disk-File Disk-Info (Track-Info  NABCDEFGHI!@@1>22V!A8I~>yC@>BI@>CI@>28O@sAs@sA2]AnA~>@.A:]A@9A_hAo(2^AS_AnA~>@@.A:]A@>@:^A@>@:^A@>*@*_A@ x w#x@  ~y #x@ A>bA:UA_hAx00 y >= !UAx8 x w#>= x ~+r7@!+| >@A:UAw >2aA>2aAɗ2aA:aAIyIyv>BxA>LxA>CxA;V>28!AB6>TIy>TIy>TIy>TIy>TIy:!o)^#V~2~2fn"~2:!G~(#"fn": :**"*#~ !:<2 ~"2!5 HI(II.III I0I II>2892́~>ͯ:ͯ_po(2Ś~>@ͯ:ͯ>ͯ:ͯ>ͯ:ͯ>*ͯ*ͯ x w#x  ~y #x >a:_px00 y >= !x8 x w#>= x ~+r7ï!+| >ͯ:w :·>B>L>C~>yFx0 x0~>y>2Iy>2@Iyɯ2 @*ACEGIBDFHJACEGIBDFHJA6 B% G@BC@8paA/b"A,***************** V1.0 ****************This is BTA demo 1 after a very long time of real hard coding now it's ready sorry again for the looong time I needed to release this thing if the colors on a non-green-screen are not satisfying ... sorry but I have only a green screen ... I hope that my next project will be better but enjoy this here too bye bye, BTA of The Bit-Artists ****************THIS IS VERSION 1.0 Track-Info  NABCDEFGHI JERK! Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIBTADEMO1 BTADEMO1 BTADEMO1  BTADEMO1BASp8he Bit-Artists. everyone who's greeted by me knows it ********************* * BTA DEMO No.1 * *********************  written by BTA of The Bit-Artists. everyone who's greeted by me knows it!  have fun! |CP A = TRACK call seek1 Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info  NABCDEFGHI!>"2̀ h"[*[[]K_*c*e[YK]~(w++| }(:g*a+~(#~+F+~w+#̥ Ij؋Hxt!M&!M[!29!  *THE BTA DEMO #01* HI ASSE! -GREETS TO ASSE, WEEE!, EXCALIBUR,THRILLER,SNOOPY,CYRIC ... -͠II: !9!!?'>]2E!-!!3'>D2EͻF!8x0!"9Ix0x0:(:=2II ̀0p0p  pp0pp0pp̀pp00p0p0p0p00̀0pppp ̀̀ 0pp ̀ppp0pppppppp0p0p ̀00yIEIxIIͺ Ix0WM!%"!!TIYQY>2V!0"2V!7"!>"!" !'!E"!">26O!"2V!T]!@"!6#6#: $*~ !@#" o&) "<2[!.w P S!w !/ǯwP**:_&.~Iy~iyay## >TIy>H2>$2!k"!"E k!0pp00p p0p00pp00p̀̀0p 0p ̀ pp pp0000pp p̀00 ̀0pppp00000̀ ̀0̀$$ pp pp 00*E*U*#":= !k">H2*+":= !">$2TUT(KCJN\NJCK[_WUDTDUWWS_SW_[KYBVBYKJNL\T\LNJK[[SS__WWUUDDTTDUW_S[KTTKCJN\NJCK[_WUDTDUTKJ\JK_UTUW_W[YVYJLTLJ[S_WUDTDWSKTKJ\JK_UTUTU[U_GL\KLGKNED~>yI>TIyIy Iy:<21V>28~>y!x0+| ͽ>B>C2~>cͨ:cͳ_o(2S~>@cͨ:c>c:c>c:c>*c*c x w#x6  ~y #xG p ̀0pp0̀̀   0000p0̀0̰p0pp pp0 ̀0̀̀pp pp0p0 00pp̀pppp00̀  pp00 ̀ p0 p ̀0 }>:_x00 y >= !x8 x w#>= x ~+r7c!+| >c}:w >2>2ɗ2:IyIyv>B>L>C>?yxy?yIOyIʻ:_x00 y >= !x8 x w#>= x ~+r7B!+| >B\:w >2>2ɗ2:IyIyv>B>L>Cѥ0 0  00000̥0p0p00p 0pp0̀̀p00 ̀0p0pp̀0p0 p0̀p0̀0p0p̀   p0  ̀pp00pppp0 ̀p ̀̀0pppp0 0000̀0pppp00pp0000000̀pp0p̀̐0p0p00000pppp000pppp0p00p ̀ 0  00̀ 0 00'0p0p0p pp ppTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHI   ̀  pp0 pp0pp0̀p̀p0p ̀ 0000p0 p00p̀0pp0̀pp ̀0ppp0pp pp0̀ ̀ er mich so nennt!] Wie gesagt: planlos! Also: Ich programmierte Programme, bis ich mir 1989 (ein neues Datum) "DAS SCHNEIDER CPC SYSTEMBUCH" besorgte. (ASSE, halt dich zurueck!) [Nix da! Hiermit starte ich einen Wettbewerb: Wer als erster alle Woerter mit dem Stamm "programm" an uns [bzw. mich] schickt, erhaelt von uns eine Kopie dieser Demo mit Original-Unterschrift unserer Eltern! Na, das ist doch was! Jeder wahre Cracker macht sich jetzt natuerlich sofort an die Arbeit! Die Konkurrenz ist gross und schppp00ppp̀ 2HELP: ...Texte in eckigen [] Klammern sind von ASSE - Texte in runden () Klammern und der Rest: BTA )O.K.??? DHallo, Hallo, Hallo ! Hier spricht (schreibt) B T A und Ihr lest gerade den ersten Text meiner ersten Demo! (Aber zuerst noch 'ne kleine Information: ASSE sitzt neben mir und will an die Tasten !) So, jetzt kann ich aber 'mal anfangen: Hm, tjaaa--eehh werde ich mal ueber mich und BTA und so weiter erzaehlen... laeft bei einer solchen spannenden und intellektuellen Demo keineswegs! Gez. ASSE 90. Der Rechtsweg ist natuerlich wie immer ausgeschlossen!] Einfach ignorieren!!! Ich besorgte mir also das ebengenannte Buch und kopierte mir die Firmware des CPC. Dann musste ich es nach acht Wochen wieder abgeben.(Ich habe es mir in der Buecherei ueber Fernleihe ausgeliehen. [Soll ich noch einen Wettbewerb mit "leihen" starten? Immer wieder ein Beweis BTA's grossen Sprachschatzes!] (Noch ein paar Worte in Klammern, diesm...Weihnachten 1986 - ich bekam meinen Schneider CPC mit Drucker, jedoch hatte [habe, Anm. ASSE] (hahaha, Anm. BTA) noch keinen Plan ?.?.?.? Ich machte meine ersten Fortschritte im Benutzen des Computers durch Formatieren der Disketten und "Hunchbak"-Spielen. Schon bald merkte ich, dass es noch andere Spiele gab (ASSE, lass die Finger weg!). Raeusper, langsam begann ich damit, kleine oder grosse (???) BASIC-Progs zu kreieren [Es waren Winzlinge, Anm. ASSE]. Nana, pfui! Nun gut, ich programmierte also BASIC-al von BTA: Wegen diesem Wettbewerb: Bitte immer einen ausreichend frankierten Rueckumschlag und eine Diskette mit neuestem Stuff beilegen!!!) [ASSE: Bitte geben Sie ihre Kundennummer an, so dass wir schnellstmoegliche Ruecksendung gewaehrleisten koennen!] Ich war bei Fernleihe. [Was ist denn eine Fernleihe?] (Na gut, fuer die ASSEaehnlichen: Fernleihe ist eine Ausleihe ueber die oertliche Buecherei in einer anderorts liegenden Buecherei.) [Bis auf einige Rechtschreibfehler ist das ja deutsch und damit endProgramme. Und tauschte fleissig Games... 1987 - Eine Krise in meiner Laufbahn: ASSE tauchte ohne jegliche Warnung auf! Ich musste mich also anstrengen! (Die letzten 2 Saetze sind von ASSE) Na, ich musste mich eigentlich nie anstrengen (Ich war immer super) [Das sieht man ja an deinen grandiosen Screens!] (Naja, fast immer super) [Leute, noch NIE! BTA werd doch nicht gleich rot!] (Rot? Das ist gesunde Durchblutung) [Trotzdem: So leicht wie dich hab ich noch niemand manipuliert. Faengt einfach ein Gespraelich verstaendlich! Mach endlich weiter! Die Leser wollen doch wissen, wie du deinen 1. [in Worten ersten] Crack gemacht hast!] [Er will naemlich nicht zugegeben, dass er einen Lader von "Hunchbak" in einer Zeitschrift entdeckte und unter riesigen finanziellen sowie koerperlichen Ausgaben seinen ersten international anerkannten Crack machte! Besorgt euch doch mal das Spiel! Ihr werdet's sehn!] Na, stimmt wieder mal nicht, ist aber auch egal. Ich crackte also mein erstes Game am Weiss-Ich-Auch-Nicht-Tag, namch mit mir an...] ASSE RAUS !!! (Er geht grad was zu trinken holen ... ... und kommt hoffentlich nicht so schnell wieder!) So, wo war ich? Ach, ja! Ich programmierte IMMER super ... Irgendwann 1989 - ich begann mit dem SYBEX ASSEMBLERKURS [Leute, hier bin ich wieder,hehe!] (er trinkt - ertrinkt!!!) SYBEX ASSEmblerkurs Programme zu programmieren (Drucken eines "A" auf dem Bildschirm (mein erstes Programm)). [Er luegt, es war bereits sein 36. Versuch] Anm. Mr. Planlos (ASSE). [Ich liebe es, wennTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHI Wer schafft es, nur den eigentlichen Kontext, also den Text ohne Klammern auf einen Zettel zu schreiben und an uns zu schicken? Was? Ihr kennt unsere Adresse nicht? Seht Ihr, das ist bereits der 3. Wettbewerb von 5 Einzelloesungen! Zur Information: BTA faehrt jetzt mit seiner Cracker-Karriere fort:] Jetzt: Ich hab mir das Spiel gekauft [BTA, erwaehn doch bitte noch mal, dass es "DRUID" war!] gut, Druid gekauft, crackte dies 1989 und ein paar Wochen spaeter auch noch "SAVAGE". Dieser Crack wurde uebrigeV!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!nf^{(WM{>L{:x2x~(O>{:x2xNQ>{z(z( > {zO> { z2 :x2xO>{2~2 :x2xO>{> {^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!nf^{(W>M{>L{:x2x~(O>{:x2xNQ> {z(z( > {zO> { z2 :x2xO>{22:x$2xO>{> {^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~ns besser. Dann irgendwann beschloss ich eine DEMO, die BTA DEMO 1 zu schreiben. Und das ist sie: meine ERSTE DEMO (DIE BTA DEMO 1 (In freundlicher Zusammenarbeit mit ASSE) heyhey, nur dieser TEXT und DAS SCHRUMPF-LOGO) So, das war meine Geschichte. Fertig, endlich, Glueck! Jetzt kann mir ASSE nicht mehr reinschreiben. Und nun noch ein Versprechen: Der naechste Scroll wird nich so chaotisch oder, wie ASSE meint: witzig (haha) [Hier bin ich wieder [ASSE]! Wer sich fragt, wo die restlichen 2 Wettbewerbe bleibo&)!nf^{(W>M{>L{:x 2x~(O>{:x2xNQ> {z(z( > {zO> { z2:x2xO>{=j> 47߆5M / h aw GGp1S$~Z8{fR?- wqjd_YTPKGC?<852/-*(&$"  !!߆!5!ψ6NPҊtb.n>4ee88qqee𝽞RRen: Wozu gibt es denn die Reihenfolge 1. Demo, 2. Demo, 3. Demo,...? Tschuess!] Grunz, wuerg, luftschnapp, langsam unter Stoehnen abfreck... Haha, das WAR ASSE. Aber nun noch ein paar abschliessende Worte von mir BTA, der IMMER super war und es noch ist: Liebe Mitleser, da wir von meinem Freund ASSE nicht mehr gestoert werden koennen (hehe), will ich mich gaaanz offiziell fuer das schlechte Benehmen dieses Unholdes entschuldigen. Aber nun Auf Wiedersehen im naechsten Part der >>>BTA DEMO #1<<< Stextqq6RRqqTƣeeLLLɑLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLjbjrbjbeeWڏڏTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTee ))ӜӜccccӜӜTvvvvvvvv͘ee      written by BTA and ASSE MCMXC #(be prepared to hear of ASSE-ZOMBIE, soon 'coz he'll be ressurected by an evil cleric and wander aimless through the AD&D-world and kill adventurers under control of his one and only bloodthirsty master...) (THE END ??? rØÛ̀ -9EQ_m߀"">2"">2"">2"b">2"b">2"b">2yxy?yIOyI">?2x!y6z2222222 2 2>?{! ׼!y\##*M N#F                  $( $ + $ ( $ + $ ( $ +$ $  $  $  $  $ $' $ + $ ' $ + $ ' $ +$ $  $  $  $  $  $ (  $ ( $ '  $ ' 0 0  2 $ - 00 6 0 B 2 N- T!qp|w}w>w:`:Ċ:Ĵ:ށ:2:ć!y~!~~Ճ!~Ĵ:[!o [SnfQ:[!o [Snf_:[!o [Snfm!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFkg`i߀2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i߀2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i߀22y2 :x 2xO>{> {^Track-Info  NABCDEFGHID 0P 2\-t+   2 255 4( 24-:+X dp  - 0 0 2-+ $0H T2255 4 2-+   , 08 2D5J7\ 5h 4t2z2    X dp0, $ 0 H T  2 2 5 5 4 2 - +     , 08 2D 5J 7\ 5h 4t 2z 2     X d p   0 - @`@x*@< @$@B @N @Z@l@$@< /  /$*0 /<BH /TZ` /lrx / / /888888888 /  /$*0 /<BH /TZ` /lrx / / /2 020$56d22 22 222 020$56 2H0Nd2> <><$A6 >& / N N  /$N *N 0 /<N BN H /TN ZN ` /lN rN x /N N /N N ////     0.$0<5B2H -T 0`2r0275 + .0.052 - 0 -2)D &ax   8 E   Y             && &&@@@@@@> <><$A6 >H<N > / @ @  8$@ *@ 0 /<@ B@ H 8T@ Z@ ` /l@ r@ x 8@ @ /@ @ 8@ 8 / @ @  8$@ *@ 0 /<@ B@ H 8T@ Z@ ` /l@ r@ x 8 8 / 888 85 2$ 00HZf0l 5x 20 257 987D5Pb t  22 >$ 209H<Z >f 2   /  8$*0 /<BH 8TZ` /lrx 8 / 88 /  8$*0 /<BH 8TZ` /lrx 8/8888888         /  8$*0 /<BH 8TZ` /x 8 /88888r2x >2-0 229------0-02&2228 5D7P 9h0z28 5$ 30HZf3l 8x 53 58:   <8:D8Pb t  55 A$ 50<H?Z Af 5r5x A503 55<0000003035&5258 8D:P <h3z5&2`&r2/k& @ @ 8k&$@ *@ 0/6@ <0.$0<5B2H -T 0`$5 ))70.$0<5B2H -T 0`2r0275 + . 2 2 2 2 2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2   2 !2 ! ! "2 " " #2 # # $2 $ $ %2 % % &2 & & '2 ' ' (2 ( ( )2 ) )@ Bk&H8Nk&Tk&Z8`/fk&l@ r@ x8~k&@ @ /@ @ k&8k&88/ k&8$ k&0/< k&H8T k&Z8`/l k&x8 k&/ k& 888 @ @  @ $@ * @ 6@ <@ B@ H@ N @ Z@ l@ r@ x @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ & 2&$&*&0 &< $H &T )` +l+r+++ - ) (`2"`05"04"`0" 07"P05"2"& @ 2 @ $@ * @ 6@ <@ B@ H@ N @ Z@ *2 * * +2 + + ,2 , , -2 - - .2 . . /2 / / 02 0 0 12 1 1 22 2 2//0/H8N8T8Z8`8f/l8r8x/~88/88888888 / M M  8$M *M 0 /<M BM H 8TM ZM ` /lM rM x 8M M /M M 8M 8 / M M  8$M *M 0 /<M BM H 8TM ZM ` /lM rM x 8 8 / 888 8@$@< @H @TTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHI@$ >$ $6H_ $ %$ &6 'H'_88$868H8N8T 8_  $ 0H` lr~ , <$8 ?$D A$P D$\ A$h ?$t A$     (: <$ ?$ A$ D$ F$ D$C$ A$)) ) )$'*)0)6,<5B'H'N'T)Z,`.f.l .x .,....,.0,+04&(_>*9*!3*0}6l}6|l|  wO | %|;  2 1N@T43w w "w@ w3w}3w!"3'ww.*B)*Q#*_T- _      _>`0A/@^< 0CP0A>_9`0<0;`7 0>P0<9\5`,9.7^4 -;P/95<"9r9д"д""x"x"x"x"699<"69д"b(b(b(r(6(6(6(x"x6969x""P9P9P99999x"x"69<"r(b9xxx66(<" U U U UC U  3 3 3U O   D w3  } A" }6mۓ }}6l}6 6w15@CN@2 ? w O 2[DfD3̈ "w NU3w w"C UCJ UCJA UCJA UCJAM UCJAMKC ! UCJAMKC RM RFC "FS@@? @S@@? N?PR" ---JMMI ?R RFCQC LGAC @S@@JC ESK AMJMPQ GL RFC QAPMJJ ! RFC LGEFR!t^#V#!B᯹  ~w ##W~w ## W~(_zw#} l}(  #  kRut)̿v! w 3 w wD w " 3 !3 3 w #33 'ww"wgO !w33 " w  w  3N  w  ' ~@' }}6Ӂۓ }}6l}6w2"36w' wwU 3 w3 3 w 3  3w    @@@} 6}}6|l}66HH/ N. n/D 2 ?[@@ :|)D w D3'  3f3 #3 #w3 3  3w"3 ]3 @'3 wwwww  w 3 OOO  www  ! #33 3w'"3 3 " 33"w3 3www 3  3" w  D  D '!B }666 }Track-Info  N A B C D E F G H I wwwww 3 O  w T  7 }}6۶ۀ }}6l||||66||2| 4l*'!   w w '3D 33w #!6?!>"2̀ h"[*[[]K_*c*e[YK]~(w++| }(:g*a+~(#~+F+~w+#̥LHeKW!b!\y!B`!8F !8: BTA OF THE BIT-ARTISTS IS O.K. BUT THIS PART IS NOT GOOD!II:( !Xb  !Nb F!8x0!"9Ix0!bIIyIEIxIIʹIII3 w#w33 3 3"w  w?'3w!w3w3ww 3    ] 66 |+}}6 }}66 77r6x0sM!"!"!"!"! "!"F !_O! ^#V>tuw_<w#### !fn~ ^#V>#### !fnF##tu#### !fnV^(>w >w~####^#Vz_O! ^#V_<w+ !"*/~ > 28!"28!`"*/~ o&)y.<&)1V^*##!".<&)1V^*w#w##!"*/~ o&)`.&)1V^*## 46,!6 33 " w 33w  w#w3w 3" w3 "3ww ww3 33     !"*/#~ !v"/*##"*#":< !"!"!"2!"*+"|!d"!"vPPPPPPPPȠРؠ@@@@@@@@ɐѐِ00000000€ʀҀڀ pppppppp````````Ḭ̇԰ܰPPPPPPPPŠ͠ՠݠ@@@@@@@@Ɛΐ֐ސ00000000ǀπ׀߀*d||  }}66}@6׀   |@'  | 4D|-'U by BTA of the BIT-ARTISTS '90/'91 ELLOAD BINIFNy2M##~V !A"I1"K!V^ ##x1=o&)} } z w t sstwz}}zwts s!t"w#z$}%&'()*+,-}.z/w0t1s2s3t4w5z6}789:;<=>?}@zAwAw@z?}>=<;:9876}5z4w3t2s1s0t/w.z-},+*)('&%$}#z"w!t sstwz}}zwts s t w z }A1TKLGTTKU@T HI !!! this is BTA speakin' welcome to my 2nd part of the BTA DEMO No1 YEAH ! Do yBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info  N A B C D E F G H Ies are not only old butbad ! But the next parts are better ... At this moment I'm listening to . . . Jethro Tull And I don't want to continue writing Bye, bye ! press SPACE to load up the next, the big GREETINXX PART of BTA DEMO . Yours, BTA 1990/91 ! (,~>yI>TIyIy Iy:<21V>28~>y!x0+| >B>C   2~>:_o(2S~>@:>:>:>** x w#xR     ۀۀۀ@@ Ӏ@@ ˀ@ À@ À@ @ 뀡@@@ۀ @ @ÀXYZ [ \ ] ^ _aˀb@ @@ˀD""""ˈˈˈDD""D""눜D""ۈD"ӈD"DO"PPDPQDQRDRSDSD"Dۈ""DDDDnDoDp"q#$D%D"D ~y #xc ͙>:_x00 y >= !x8 x w#>= x ~+r7!+| >͙:w >2>2ɗ2:IyIyv>B>L>C>?yxy?yIOyI@ !b""##$%j&<'(()*D++,i- ../c0;12234^56667y88Ԁ8܀8܀8܀888888888ĀĀ̀̀Ԁ܀܀䀈쀈Ā̀Ԁ܀(̀(Հ(((x̀x݀xx̀݀ƀրhƀhހh΀ǀXǀX瀨ǀ8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8D8LMMMMNNNOOfggh124LÀÀÀ@@@@ 〚〚@@@ ÀÀK@K@K KLLL@L LMÀ@  € @ €a bb c€ @w x@y**@̘눙DDDD"""ÈÈJDJDJ"J"JJKۈKӈKDK""DD"D"^D^"^_҈_"D"r"sшD8"8"8"8"8"""""Ĉ̈Ԉ܈DD)D)D)")")"yyyzňDD""kֈkD""  \D\D"888888888899999*++++{{|||nnoaa8889Ԁ9Ԁ9܀9܀9܀9@9@9@9@9 9 9 99Ā̀@@ @ @@, ,-݀-@- -~@~ ~ @ !ހ! rƀr s@ f#$D$"D7"8"̘IIIIIIIIIJ[\\\    nnn12̘@@@@@@@@@ H H HHHHHHHIÀ@@@@ YYZڀZʀ @ @ kkk@  Ѐ|@|@, ,̘눘눘눘㈘㈘ۈۈӈӈˈˈÈÈHHHHHHHۈHӈHˈHÈ҈ʈˆꈨڈʈˆXX@f 9Ĉ9̈9̈9D9D9D9D9"9"9"999:::D:D:D:":"Ĉ̈DD"䈌숌D"ĈD""/͈/"/0D0"͈"刂"ň"%D&&w"xDΈm9999999999::::::::;;;;;;<223344+,-~$%wx@ :Ā:Ā:@:@: : ::;̀;@;@; ;;<܀<@< <==@=X҈XˆڈʈሸɈhhوȈxx(؈̗GGGGGGGGGGVVVUeddss##̗@@@@@@@〗〗〗ۀۀӀ F F F F@F@F@FӀFӀEE @@ʀ @@TSS S @ @ a@aр @@on  ̗"""DDDˈˈÈEE"E"EDEDEۈEۈDDD =>>@> ?@ ̀ @@@ ̀ @9 : ;@<@=@ @ 9ր:< @"""DD""DD"̈>D>"?Ԉ?D?@܈@"A܈ADABDBCDDD"EDE"D̈"""""ĈD"DDKňLNTrack-Info  N A B C D E F G H I"""DDDˈˈˈ""DDÈ""D"D㈒"DۈDˈD@?"?>">D==D<"<ˈ;"D"҈DD"""""@D?D>҈<DDሓ"A"76543210/- @@@ @@ @@ @ @2IIH"II}H"II}H"I(a!^I5 2I2BFS[\I:UI(!`I5 w!VI*WI8*YI*PI:TI( !_I5 w[RI"\I>2I"I}![I!fIˆ042I!fI>-N-NO2I!IO (,2F>QCyICyIFeID!Fp!dIp!8L~#2Fy^#V#q$s r 6ww,qO!O O PI2BFI*TI"_I<2BF2FtEhkQ|7uo/!@F2F2I2I2INn f ~, BHV-^ qcw*^w?WwBw!Gw9w, ~wpkd^YTOKGB?;852/,*'%#!  #       * ^ 6 q22$2q2222222q22 2$ 2 2$2$2!101ե01̇HC,@p@  @ @!H!H1222t11s̖,!HCH!,̐ @@@ ̐ @̇,!H22003̀ 8T@ Z@ ` /l@ r@ x 8 8 / 888 85 2$ 00HZf0l 5x 20 257 987D5Pb t  22 >$ 209H<Z >f 2(               %        XN #!    1XN %XN %   XN #XN XN #XN % XN !XN  XNXN # % #1XN %XN %   XN #XN XN #XN  XN % XN    XN %XN #XN(XN %XN !XN #1XN+XN(XN !XN&XNXNXN !XN %XN+XN!-XNXN#201 2p0rpuG720u ..0 &G ?. ?. ?.G ?.?.?. ?.G..?.200.G... ?.b``dF ?. ?.G ?. ?.G ?.?.p?.2001..G..u &b``..p..p01a#/(#/(#/(#/(#/1/#/;(#/;(#/;-9,8(4#$qXN# % XN#%1%1%1%(*+*(*,/+( *XN! #XN!#/#/#/ #'('%'('%%#%#"#/#%#/#%#%# %%(('&%%(*+*(*(+,-./(*(,/1/+*('&%41/,*('&%,-/-,+,+*(%(,*(*(*(%(%# # a#$%&'&%$#"!  !"/0123210#$%&'()(*''('%'%#!#%#!#! ,*('(*)('&%$#"#%'&'(*('(*,/*/-/13134643131/141/14-/4/-/4(6,*(*-,-/-,-/-,*(' #/;G4/;G4/;G4/;G4/4;G=/;G4/;G4/;G4/;G4/|,XN,psr^#V6psr = <22Qk XN2XN c XN 11 Y BNP(aa$ ͸ :Q>2R!5 F!ͬ!ͬ!ͬ!6!N"_2g!N"a2h!N"c2i>2e:R(0*m"_*q"c:s2e:f-!t2f:u2g:w2i:y2k!k ^QI>yIYyI+!"Q?QI>yIYyIªqP?^2QøNFnf ~#V_ nf ut^#Vqpú~O!Dwú~O8!Dwú!D~/wdppw wN4;:98q(*+*(&#$+$#!#$#!!!!!!!#!!!%(*+,+(%('&$%(%(%! !  # #&&##%!%(%!%#'*/36;?BGKNS#'*/.-,-,+*)(kkkkkkk1kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk1kkkkkkkkkkkkk1kkkkkkkkk1ccciY Y Y Y ! ! ! t ! ! ! t f f y f              ! ! ! B c 2l!R6!r 'o0$^#VSV >2u2Gwww8.p)6@#6p15 9p^Vw~w~w~w~wrs~_0458G 8(8*0O!# N u u t t  2)1 :2R>!fݦw~|1 Track-Info  NABCDEFGHI>2t>(2y!m45 ,CmCq65*m"m*q#"q><2o>2m>2>2>2t>(2y!m45 >2>25r2s!"m!"q>P2o>2m2q>2t>12y:m $>2m!"m!"q:q2q( !"m"q!m5>2m2n>w2q2r>2o>2t>fff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lff<Xxflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lff<XNfff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lffff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lff<XNf3̙3f3`XNǓ9999 !199Ù??1f<f<XNfff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lffff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lff<XNf<XNfff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8l 3f~f3f`XNǓ9999 !199Ù??1ÙXNfff~fff~XN~ xflxlf```bf8ll8ff|``8lvff|lff<XN 681o۳c` 3< <f3< <L1vff|lff<XN 3f3```bf8ll8fff~fff~XN~ Track-Info  NABCDEFGHI!!,0 Ia IiTI!>!  Ia IiTI>!!` Ia IiTI!>!`! Ia IiTI>!!,0 IE@TE@@TE@@Y@@ET@@ET@ETEXNT23!^2"=2*>3 Ia Ii>23!?2"=2:H32H3:H3(**<3#"<3a IiTI!*# Ia IiTI!*# Ia IiTI!!" Ia IiTI>!!,0 Ia IiTI!0R !0"<3*>3#">31R !&1">3*D3#"D3*F3#"F3*@3#"@3&R !"D3!"@3*@3͐3*D3bR0&͐3*B3#"B3r÷R !"F3!L"B3*B3͐3*F3bR.3r͐3I3:H3>230&1`XN*3"323:3< 23*3#"3~ !3"3"3~ &oXN))))P"3*3~#!!bP3U9:;W<<]===.>R>u>Z?@AbAAA BBBRCDDDEF=F3XN 21:20:34XN 18TH OF OCTOBER 1990XN AND BTA SITS IN FRONT OF HIS CPC AND TYPES A TEXT FOR HIS FIRST AND BEST DEMO... SO I STARTED THIS TEXT, AND NOW, SIX MONT>*$ Ia IiTI!*$ Ia IiTI!!" Ia IiTI>!!,0 Ia IiTI!HS LATER THE ONLY THING I SAY IS: SOME OF THE FOLLOWING GREETINGS ARE OLD! AND I THINK (NOW) IT'S ALL IN ALL A SHIT TEXT. ENJOY IT ...XN ... AND THIS TEXT CONTAINS A FEW GREETINGS AND HERE AND NOW AND DURING >THE MUSICAL BOX< FROM GENESIS I WANT TO SPEEK OUT MANY GREETINGS AND THANXXES TOXN THRILLERXN , CAUSE HE GAVE ME THE LIST OF THE GREETINGS APPEARING IN THE SUGAR CANDY DEMO BY THRILLER, THE COOL AND YODA COOPERATION. BUT TO APPEASE YOU: I TOOK ONLY A FEW GREETINGS OUT OF THE LIST AND PUT THEN INTO MXN:( !0F." !r/F."-!8x0!,"9IIIIIII1II2Ix0!+ͱ*:+ʰ+}2ͩ11:+(=2+>C2+2+:+y>yxy?yY@yH?yYy(QW ~2+:_ ~2+.g ~2+"o ~2+w ~2+  ~2+:+ >2+######:+<2+J*>C2+:+=&o3 ^#V"3CXN  IIx0III&II(II.IIIvG ,INE THAT WILL SCROLL IN A FEW MINUTES OR EARLIER THROUGH THIS SCREEN ... AND POINT 2 : I REALLY GREET YOU!XN EEH, ENOUGH OF THIS CACTUS (???) OR BETTER SAID: SHIT (???, TOO.) BUT WHY SHIT ??? XN. HALT ! O.K. I'LL CONTINUE THE NORMAL TEXT !!! IF YOU CAUGHT SIGHT OF THE SECOND SIGN SCROLLING IN THE LOWER PART OF THIS SCREEN THAN YOU COULD READ: CHOOSE YOUR HI! PRESS A KEY (A-Z) ... AND THESE WORDS MEAN, THAT IF YOU PRESS E.G. >B< ALL GREETINGS WITH >B< WILL SCROLL FROM RIGHT TO LEFT ... GOOD ??? NOTM!t,",!F. III>TyI>XyIIIIIII!,",I I I III>21>-21!."1-!,",I>TyI>TyIIII!,",I>TyI>Ty22!c-",XN(>21>$21!Z."1-XN>21> 21!."1-I>Ty! ,",!P.IIIII$I*- Ia IiXN >21>21!."1-L2*1:1_:1O~IyXN#XN TTTTTTTTTXNTXNTXNTKLGTTKGLXNT ETTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHIING AND - I DON'T LIKE BLOODWYCH ANYMORE ... BARD'S TALE IS MUCH BETTER), BSC (HEY, CALL ME!!), BCAV, BILBO OF CBS! (STILL EXISTING ???) AND THE BIT ARTISTS (YEAAH, ASSE AND BTA !!!)...XN C: CYRIC (TAAG! SOSO, CYRIC... UND DANN ALLE ERDNUESSE AUFFRESSEN...O.K. PIANO IS NICH SCHLECHT, ABER ...), ALL MEMBERS OF CBS! AND OF CUG, CLOUSEAU, CONDITION RED, CAB ...XN D: DJH, DANIEL QUAYLEXN .. ALL OTHER GREETS WITH D HAVE BEEN ERASED (OR NOT???)XN ...XN E: EXCALIBUR (GLUCK! GREETS FELLOW, WHAT ABOUT YOUR DEMOA COOPERATION ...XN Z: ZODIAC, 007 ...XN THIS WERE THE GREETINGS AND NOW I GREET EVERYONE WHO WAS NOT GREETED EXCEPT FOR PLUTON OF COMMOTION! WENN ICH DICH NOCHMAL TREFFE, DANN SPIEL ICH MIT DEINEM SACK FUSSBALL!XN ENOUGH OF ANTIGREETS, THIS WAS REALLY EVERYTHING ... SEE YOU IN MY NEXT PART ...!!!XN /I~>yI>TIyIy Iy:<21V>28~>y!x0+| G>BG>CGG I H I2HI~>͂HH:H͂HH_Io(2HSHI~>@͂HH:H͂H>͂H:H͂H>͂H:H͂H> AND YOUR STUPID AMIGA ??? PLEASE SEND MY STUFF ...), ESC, ELMSOFT, EIGHT DAYZ ...XN F: FEFESSE, FLASH KNIGHT, FUTURESOFT, 42-CREW, 50001 ...XN G: ALL MEMBERS OF GOS! AND GCS, GROO, GEOFF S., GARFIELD, GUESCH ...XN H: ??? MAYBEXN HOEHNESS ???XN I: ICS, IDEFIX ...XN J: JABBA SOFT ...XN K: KILLER (HEY, FREAX HE WAS MY FIRST REAL SWAPPING PARTNER, THANX KILLER!!! PLEASE SEND SOME OF YOUR DISCS, TOO! AND WHAT ABOUT YOUR DEMO???), KKB (COOL DEMO, CONTINUE THIS WAY), KEULE (LATER ...), KNS, KREATORXN L: *͂H*H͂H x w#xUH  ~y #xfH ͜H>H:H_Ix00 y >= !Hx8 x w#>= x ~+r7ÂH!+| >͂H͜H:Hw XN >2H>2Hɗ2H:HIyIyv>BI>LI>CI>?yxy?yIOyIXN}XNpXNpXNXNXNXNpXNpXNXNXN0XN XNXN XNXN XNXN XNXN XN'XNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXN0ppXNpp0XN0ppXNXNXN pppXNpppXN XLTP, LONGSHOT OF LOGON SYSTEM (REALLY NICE DEMOS), THE REST OF THE LOGON-CREW (O.K. THE DEMO ISN'T BAD, BUT... YOU'LL SEE XN.), LE FAMOUS C.A.C.H. ...XN M: MDC, MTI (WHAT ABOUT YOUR NOISETRACKER??? RING ME UP, PLEASE), MCS, MAX OF CBS!, MERLYN, MALIBU CRACKERS, MAX, MACH II, MIKE(NA, SCHAELER HOEHNESS, DENKST DU IMMER NOCH, DASS ICH DIE DEMO HIER IRGENDWO ABGETIPPT HAB ???), MR. WATSON AND WILSON AND SHONUFF ...XN N: NWC, NERVI OF TGC, NECROMANCER TMC, NUDNIK ...XN O: OMEGA, ONAIP ...XN P: PILLHUHN ...NXN XN000XNXNXNXNXN 0pXN XN0pXNXN0pXNXN0pXNXN0pXNXNXN XN XNXN0ppXNpp0XNpXNp0XNXNXNp0XNXNp0XNXNXNXN XNXN 00XNXNpXNXNXNXN_XN0XN0pXNp0XNXNXNXNXN XNXN0XN0XN XN0XNp00XN00pXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNp0XN0pXNXNXN XNXN0XN 0XNXNXNXNXNXNXNXN XNXNXNXN Q: DO YOU KNOW SOMEONE WHOSE PSEUDO BEGINS WITH A >Q< ??? AAAH, JA! QUIRLXN R: RAISTLIN (HI !), RCA, REDPOINT . ,,XN S: SYKES ( RIGHT??? ICH HOER' MIR MORGEN MAL KITARO AN ... SEE YA'N SCHOOL! ), SNOOPY (BE FASTER IN SWAPPING WITH ASSE AND START TO PROGRAM BETTER DEMOS...BUT WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY DEMO???), SECTION JAGUAR, SO MA, SOWJET SOERLI, SKAR, SOS, SECTOR B ...XN T: THRILLER (TACH! DANKE FUER DIE TIPS BEIM HARDSCROLL UND ANDEREN ROUTINEN...), TPN (TRY TO COMPOSE SOUNGS BY YOURSELF AND THANX XN XNp XNXNp XN XNXN XN XNXNXNXN2XN0XN0XNXNXNXN:XNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNKXNpXNXNXN<0pXNXN0pXNXN0pXNXN0pXNXN XNXNXNXNXN pp0XNXNXNXN0pXN 0pXNXNXN0pXNXNXN0XNXNpXNXNpXNXN10ppXN0ppXNpp0XNXNXN XNXN XNXN XNXNXNp0XN XN000XNXN XNpXN XNXN XNp0pFOR THE WALNUTS. NA, BISTE WIEDER O.K.? SEH DICH MORGEN IM HOF! , TOM & JERRY, THE SAURIAN, TB CRACKERS, ALL MEMBS OF TCW, TYRONESOFT, THE DESTROYER GOBLIN, THE GOLDEN STV, TONDJO, THE FROG ...XN U: UMBERTO ...XN V: I'M SORRY ...XN W: WEEE! (MY ASSEMBLER AND SO ON TEACHER, THE BIGGEST THANX, REALLY! HE SEND ME STUFF, MUSICS AND THE FIRST TIME (AROUND NEW JEAR'S EVE '89/'90) SOME SOURCES. THANX AND CONTINUE PROGRAMMING GOOD SOUNDS AND THE SY 77 IS MEGAGEIL !!! ), WIZARD ...XN X: ACH NEE!!! ...XN Y: YODTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHIXNpXN XNXNXNYXN0XNXNp0XNXNXNXNXN:XNXN0pXNp0XN0pXNp0XNXNXNXN XNXNXNXNXN XNXNXN XNXNXN XNXNXN XNXNXN XNXNXNXN XNXNp0XN0pXNXNppXNXNXN XN XNXN$XNXNpXNXNXN0XNppppXN0pXNXN XN XNXN0ppXNpp0XNXN XN XNpXN XNXNXN XNXNXN XN00ppXNXN00ppXNXNppXNXNpXNpp0N0XN XN0XNXN XNXNXNXNXNXN;!q^#V#!B᯹  ~w ##W~w ## W~(_zw#} l}(  #  kRut*BTA OF**TBA 90* XN* ACH ja, ein Bild! Wie schoen, dass Du Arsch hier rumhackst! Verzie Dich!XN XN* *BTA OF**TBA 91*w=>>>mK|=xx.=.=>m.=w=|_PP``p=@ ppp=(.=>0XNXNXNXN XNpXNXNXN XNXN XNXN 00XN00XNXNXN XNXNXNXNXN0ppXN pp0XNXNXN XN XN XN XN XN XNXN pXNXNXN XN XN XN XN XN pXN0 pXNXNXNXNXN XNXN XNXN XNXN XNXNXNXNXNXNXN XNXNXN XNXN XNXNXN0ppXN pp0XNXN XN XN XN XNXN 0pXNXN XN XN||mzm=>xx.=.=>>m.=.=|_~pP`=~Ppp=x(.=>>K=>i.=.=>>m.==||_| 0=~P0pp=x(.=>>KmK-m|>x.=>|m.==|ᄊ= XNXN XN000XN XNXNpXNXN XNXN XN0 XNXN0 XNXN10pppXNpXNXNXN<pp0XN XNXNXN0pXN XNXNXN0pXNXNXN0XNp0XN 0pXN p0XN0pXNXN XNXN XNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXN00pXNXNXNpXNXNXNXNXNpXN XNXNXN XNXN0 XNXNpXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNp 0XN`XNXN pp0XNXNXN XN XN XN XN pXN0 pXNXNp0p=<(>mm-.=>|-m|mmxx<.=>m.=.==||= =(=>><x.=K-m|mm<<.=>m.=.==| = =.(>>mK||=<<.=-m>mm<<i<.=XNXNXN XNXNXN XNXNXN XNp0pXNXN XNXN XNXN pp0XNXN XN XN XN XNXNp0XNXN0XNp0XN p XN XNXNXNXNXNXNXN XNXNp0XNXN000XN pXN0XNXN0pppp0XN0pXN XNXN XNXN XNXN XNp0pXN XNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNpXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXNXN XNXNXNXNXNpp00XN XN pXN XNpp>m.=w=۷~pP`p0=|p0p==w(>>>mK}=/OO3o?O?_u?ߏ7? ??o?/o;n?_/?/?oO/??/O|s߿OoO?/?o_Oo//O?oOO?01?ߏ_O?_?/?o_Oo?//w?oo???/?w?Oe3r/OO_o/?/??O/owϯ?//O/_o??O?O??O?OO?o??oOo?_oO_uO3??_oo_?o?oϏOߏO//O=3/o/>o??b'0/% w 3  _ 1   0/1?o/O ?wO ooD3wo?o_ 3?3Oވ2/? /rgw?'s/3O   u s   _ w #O  / 3/w_O0jo/g? o ?Oww? 3?/?s33o3/?oO sO @@u?w_o_ﯯ 2u? sϯ? @u2 /  2332o/oO?3/?_  0@ O??O?O_/o3ϯ? ??o/oOO?23ϏOoo//o??o/s2/??/߯/o wo//oovw߈  @ _Oߏ_oO?OOw߿?/oog /_Ͽ?Oo/oOOv3?/ooOߏ??_o?O_>h73/__O_?/o??/?i??OϿ/?Ϗo?O?/~]w3O?O/O/?O?O_OOO?_>w 1O/OoO/O_ߏ_ϟ?oo=?__oO?_OO2Ow_O?>3OOpb3'0//   w 3o?  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Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91$$&&&#######ъ$$0$$$$$0$$$%&2&&&'3'3&$$0$$$&&2&&&##/###뀇Ҋ$$$$&&''''&&#Њӻ!иӻ!иАڊ$$$$$$ъ02520Ԋ$$'$'+'.+..0$&')+,+$$'$'+'.+..002320& $)),05#&++/27ڊ$$$$))))++++++ڊ$$$$$$))))++++Њӻ!иӻ!иӻ!иӻ!иЊӻ!иӻ!иӻ!иӻ!иӊ|>! =`9+ 37 $N}xg_$6ñ~$O!cw>w~$O8!cww!c~$/w>wuppw w_2XwwwI?p:6@46.(p]W6p5 dp^V2݆ wF(2n f u t nuft~ww~w~wrs~( :' 6~_0458I 8&8)0O! 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EXCEPT IF YOU LIKE ALL GRAPHICS AND LOGOS UPSIDE (EXCEPT THE BTA-LOGO). ACTUALLY I'M JUST LOOKING FORWARD TO COMPILING THE CHAIN-DEMO I'VE ALREADY PAINTED FOR SO MUCH. YEAH, THIS IS ENOUGH OF SPECIAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE BIT-ARTISTS. WE'RE JUST A NEW GROUP OF FORTHCOMING GUYS IN THE STILL VERY COMPLEX SCENE OF THE CPC. _` THIS DEMO, THE BTA-DEMO 1 IS MY FIRST PRODUCT RELEASED TO BECOME FAMOUS AND MORE FAMOUS . ^ ] (DID YOU RECOGNIZE T AND SNEAFING ALL THE TIME. AS A RESULT HE'S NOW DRINKING SOME LEMONADE! HE SEEMS TO BE NOT TOUGH ENOUGH. YEAH, YOU YAK-SANDWICH EATING BORSOR! DON'T WET YOURSELF IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT A BORSOR IS! WE DON'T KNOW IT, THOUGH, TOO! @ _` \ _` ] OH, SORRY WE! FOR ALL THESE FALSE USINGS OF THE THRE E'S BEHIND A >W<. INGREDIENTS: WHEAT FLOUR, HYDROGENATED VEGETABLE AND ANIMAL FAT . . >KEEP DRY !< . KRAECKERLY ARE SO LECKERLY. GOSH! THIS REALLY IS AN O.K.-TEXT. I LIKE THESE STUPID DAY-ENHE TEXT-WRITER-CHANGE ?) THE ONLY -CODE YOU KNOW IS MY PART OF >THE REVENGE<, THE GOS-COPYPARTYDEMO '90. THIS PART WASN'T REALLY THE BEST 'CAUSE I HAD TO PROGRAM IT IN A VERY SHORT PERIOD OF TIME AND SO, YOU KNOW . BUT THIS PART IS (I HOPE SO) FEELING GOOD TO YOU. FELING SO GOD ! @ @ @ O.K. THIS REALLY WAS THE OFFICIAL PART OF THIS TEXT! AH, IF YOU THINK IT'S STUPID TO DISPLAY TWO EQUAL SCROLLINGS ON ONE SCREEN THEN TRY TO PROGRAM THIS >>JUMPIN' BUMPIN' SCHWABBLED SIN-HARD-SCROLLYDING TEXTS. SHALL WE GO TO THE >HOF< TONIGHT? YAEH! MAYBE. YOYO. TOILET! LET'S FEEL LIKE A DRUNKEN FISH AGAIN!! [[ FEL SO GOD ! [[ THIZ TAEXT IZ CRAZY ! BUT NOT THIS STUPID AND THIS CRAZY AS THE SO CALLED KARL-HERMANN-TEXTS. HEY, DR. KERN. BURP!! ASSE BURPS AS A BURPING BURP! MAN, THIS IS SMELLING LIKE A FISHMISCH! HEY, FOLKS, WHO WANTS TO BUY THE >YES - YESTERDAYS< FROM ASSE ? NOONE? O.K. HE DOESN'T WANT TO SELL IT BECAUSE WE THINK IT IS SO GOOD. SO O.K. SO GREAT. THI<< YOU CAN REGARD IN THE UPPER PART OF YOUR SCREEN! IT WAS NOT THAT HARD TO CODE, BUT . IT HAS A CERTAIN EXTRA (?). ASSE (\) IS SITTING NEXT TO ME AND TRIES TO "COMPOSE" A VERY CONFUSING SENTENCE FOR YOU. IF YOU ARE ABLE TO DECONFUSE IT THEN YOU BEAT THE FORTH PART OF THE BTA-DEMO-COMPETITION! IT PROVIDES MANY PRFERENCES TO HAVE THE SIGNATURES OF OUR PARENTS!! .BUT NOW THE ASSECONFUSINGSENTENCE : EXISTING IN FACT WE WOULD FIND SATISFACTORY IN SAYING WORDS OF WELCOME TO ALL OUR PARTNERS WHO EXCHS IS NO ANTI-PUBLICITY! YES IS GOOD! AS GOOD AS GENESIS! ENOUGH MUSIX! DO YOU STILL READ THIS TEXT OR DO YOU ONLY WATCH THE AMAZING AND TERRIFIC SPECTRUM ANALYZERS BEHIND THE STARS? I WANT SOME NOODLES! AND SO I'LL GO HOME IN A FEW HOURS! THEN I, BTA, WILL MAKE SOME NOODLES AND GO, MAYBE, TO THE >LINDENHOF<, WHERE I'LL MEET MY BIT-ARTISTS-FELLOW >A S S E< ! \ @ @ @ @ [ ] \ ] ] ^ ] _` @ @ @ @ @ @ ! HAVE YOU SEEN THOSE SPECIAL CHARACTERS BY BTA, FELLOWS? AREN'T THANGE BY BARTER, AND ALL USERS OF ELECTRONIC DEVICES WHICH STORE INFORMATION ON EG FLOPPY DISKS, ANALYSE IT AND PRODUCE INFORMATION AS REQUIRED FROM THE DATA ON THE DISK. SO HAVE AN UNDEFINED AMOUNT OF ENJOYMENT! SEE YOU ASSE. \ BULLSHIT! YOU ARE TELLING ME BULLSHIT! WE WON'T STOP THIS TEXT YET AND WE WON'T COMMIT SUICIDE! TJA! HM. HOE HOE HOE LATIN'S REAL CRAP. DON'T LET US MAKE JOKES! NOR DO WE! WE'RE VERRY EXHAUSTED OF TYPING TEXTS. .I HAVE A RANDY IDEA! THOU ART READING TEY TANGY? TINY TANGY CRUNCHY CANDY ! NERDS LIKY !! BE GONE YOU EVER PIERCING POWER PLAY MACHINE CUTTING OUR BINARY SOLIDARITY! BEAT IT, AMIGA! I SAID YOU FUCK 'N' DIE! CREEP! FOLKS, I, ASSE, AM KEEPING A MYSTERY. I MAY TELL YOU THAT ONE DAY THERE WILL BE STARTED A NEW ERA OF DEMOS. A PARTNERSHIP OF TWO YOUNG STRANGERS WILL FIRE THE.CHAIN-DEMO. GOSH! SOMEBODY'S COMING! I HAVE TO STOP! I'M GOING TO TELL YOU MORE ABOUT IT SOON! (BANG!) (URPS,YOURPS) I THINK IT'S TIME TO FINISH. YEAH, AND SO LET'Z FHIS BUMPING OR NOT BUMPING TEXT TEXT TEXT TEXT. KNABBERBOX HER, DU ASSE! ^ BOING! WHOOPS A LITTLE SENTENCE NOT WRITTEN IN ENGLISH. NO KNABBERBOX, BUT CRACKERLY (KRAECKERLI). ASSE DOESN'T LIKE THIS IRREGULAR TEXTS. BUT HOW DO YOU WANT TO READ THEM IF THEY ARE NOT BLIND ? CAN YOU SEE ? OH, THESE CRACKERLIES DRY ME OUT! I NEED LITAMIN. . SUEFF! BREATH! COUGH! COUGH! . THESE CRACKERLIES ARE SO MUDDY IN MY MOUTH! IT'S REALLY AMAZING TO ME! HALT! STOP! CHEWING GUM! BTA IS COUGHINGTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHI 0  `p   p  p  q 0   0 00  0 q 0 p 00  p  f!    p 00 0  !     p 00   A  p  2. t  tK "t  3? w x  G  G # p 33x ? 3 ] LWG WG # 0p1p 3x3 3wx  GL  n3  ##    ## ``p 3x o< ? # L....## 0pp  3x 3<3<  #.#..w ѷ G>T N#:<2_(5!M:_G<~:^_> ѷ G>T N#:<2`(5!R,:`G<~:^_> ѷ G>T N#6K#:?O>TIy(N:?O:I*!5N :?O>TIyɷN**:_~Iy~Iy##~ *~ *N >2Iy>TIy2N332N112NTN2(NTNEE@R@EETUM^MULWOWLW_O_WTKMRTTKLGTTK3xӈx3x K#L    3 pp 3x  3x v[- p gw oxx ?3< 5 <    !V!V!~ "~(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } !@?!6?:( !/ !u2>SsI1II2III!8x0!Ƀ"9IIIIIx0:o>E{2> E{2> E{2sЌ*C~=&o~2GLT2N332N112NTN2(NTNEE@R@EETUM^MULWOWLW_O_WTKMRTTKLGTTKGLT2N332N112NTN2(NTNXXMOMXXT\LGL\VRYRVDU_UDTJLNTTKU_TTK_UTN䉻!E"k >2!@"k >2 >2!A"k >2 >2 >2!B"k >2:y>yxy?yY@yH?yYyENì*>2 "!"*>2 "!":2:(**#"0R !0"*#"1R !&1"*#"*#"*#"&R !"!"**bR0&*#"r~2~2~2*C#~ !/"Cv:(v2@!҈">2!6T>2!?""!""NaIÝIIx0III&IIII(II.III!8BTA's Reboot-Routine!!ͥ~>yI>TIyIy Iy:<21V>28~>y!x0+| R>BX>CX^Â͂Â2l}~>=:lH_wo(2mSn}~>@=:l>:m>:m>**n x w#x˂  ~y #x܂ >q:d_wx00÷R !"!L"**bRҁr͞:>2 0&1`N* " 2 : < 2 *#"~ !P'""~ &o)N)N" * ~#!!bNP'!cfn^#V~_~w###!c!{fn#~#_~ fntu##### @"#( %%p%@! $ @"# %%p%@! $P'NN!NNNNNpwwwNwNNN N4N3N3N NNNNNENNNNNN NNNNNN NN$NNw  y >= !dx8 x w#>= x ~+r7!+| >:dw N>2p>2pɗ2p:pIyIyv>BÇ>LÇ>CÇ>?yxy?yIOyIԃM!I"̓IIII:Iy:Iy* Ia Ii!҈">2!W!"̓I III:Iy:Iy!& Ia Ii!""!"">2>2~ NaII!k!@"̓IIII>Iy!pNwNff`fNNff`fNNNw3NNNN33 N3wfNN3ẅ N0p̈ N3NN NN33wwpp03wwN3NNNNNN N KNNwppNN`NN NwwN wNN{N33 N3N N 5NwN3w N p00ẅ N33 N3ẁNw3N̈ N 'NN3330033N NNNNNN3NNNXNNNN_N3 Ia IiI I!"̓III I! 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N N N NNNNNNN  N N N   NN  N  N NN3wNwNwwwpN N N +NN3 N   NwwN ẅN NN̈!N3wwNNN N N N NNN N N N NNNNNNNppwNN 303N N NN3wwNNwNNNNNNN N NNNNNNNN 3NN N N NN3wwNNwNNN N  NNN N HN! v@!v!~N "~(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } v!@ @{͵VvXX  X X X   XX  X  X XX X  XXX X X!op@!`p!? ~ "~(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } hhNNNNNNNN N N3wwNNNN NN NN .N3wwNNwNNNNNNNN N N NNNN NN NNNN N N N KNwNwwpNwwwNw]NNNNNNN N N N NNNNN NpNwwNN NwNwNwww3NNNNwNNNN NNNNN3BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '913NN 3NNN N N NNNNNNN 3NNN N N N3wwNNwNNNNN 3NN N N NN3wwNNNN NN N 30N 'N3wwNNwNNN Nww3N 3N wN N  N3wwNNNN NN N 303NN N N3wwpp0NNNBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91NNNNNN3N N N NNNNNN N N NN -NNNNwNNNNNN N N N NNww30NNNw3N3N33wpN ̈N ̈*NNNNwN3NNNNNNN N N N NNNwp0N3w NNNN NN33N N ̈N NNpp0N NN NNNN0Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIy.fRANK aNTË XAMYqÍ. XeÛ"">2"">2"">2"">2"b">2"b">2"b">2"b">2yxy?yIOyI"22.>?2!6222222222 2 2:-(:22>?é! ׼:("( | }2.U\|O!/ r#s!\##*M N#F!qp|w}w>w:(2.!/06::/:Y:ă:ĭ::V:ī!~!~!~E^Ee9lEs9z99E99E9999  # *18 ?FT[b pw ~        &4;B PW ^ ls z 62/26#2*/1687?6F/M6T/[9b/i4p6w2~/262/276/6/9/2-41:[!o [Snfq:[!o [Snf:[!o [SnfÍ:[!o [SnfÛ!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFkg`i.2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i.2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i.2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i.222-4 214P-W4^1e2l-s4z214;GG;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p;wG~G;G;;;G;;G;;;;6BB6B6 66B6&6-B46;6B6I6P9WE^Ee9lEs9z99E99E9999  # *18 ?FT[b pw ~  2 : 2O>ͩ> é^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!nf^{(WMͩ>Lͩ:2~(O>ͩ:2NQ>ͩz(z( > ͩzO> ͩ z2 :2O>é22 :2O>ͩ> é^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!nf^{(W>Mͩ>Lͩ:2~(O>ͩ:2NQ> ͩz(z( > ͩzO> ͩ z2 :2O>é22:$2O>ͩ> é^V!~G(&Woutu      &4;B PW ^ ls z  2p47P;;G;;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p9wE~99E999E99E99997C77C7 77C7&7-C47;7B7I7P2W>^2e2l>s2z22>22>2222tFNx(~(p~o&)!nf^{(W>Mͩ>Lͩ: 2~(O>ͩ:2NQ> ͩz(z( > ͩzO> ͩ z2:2O>éRXM / h aw GGp1S$~Z8{fR?- wqjd_YTPKGC?<852/-*(&$"  XDIZ SOUND BY BTA of The Bit-ArtistsX>!!1!I!_}+*E,-+,=*U*=**a*uu{!($&&Xt(!$''q,Xq,m $  # *18 ?FT[b pw ~        &4;B PW ^ ls z62*182T7b6~219-//1244P6l249;G;;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p9wE~99E999E99E#%))X62/26#2*/1687?6F/M6T/[9b/i4p6w2~/262/276/6/9/2-412-4 214P-W4^1e2l-s4z214;GG;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p;wG~G;G;;;G;;G;;;;6BB6B6 66B6&6-B46;6B6I6P9WTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHI;97&249B2;G;;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p9wE~99E999E99E99997C77C7 77C7&7-C47;7B7I7P2W>^2e2l>s2z22>22>2222  # *18 ?FT[b pw ~      0>21>G21>21Ϳ0>2121:1y>yxy?yY@yH?yY:1 77?EM2~>yI>TIyIy Iy2:<21V>28~>y!x0+| s1>By1>Cy11ã2ͣ1ã222͞2~>2^2:22i2_˜2o(22S2͞2~>@2^2:22>2:22>2:22>*2*22 x w#x1  ~y #x1 32>ʒ2:2_Ø2x00 y >= !2x8 x w#>= x ~+r72!+| >232:2w X>22>22ɗ22:2  &4;B PW ^ ls z GG;9;#G8GMGbGpGwG~;9;GGGGCCB;CC B;CC&B-;4C;CBBI;PEW@^>e@l>sEz@EE@>@>E@E;G;;G#;*;1;8G?;F;MGT;[;b;i;p9wE~99E999E99E99IyIyv>Bè2>Lè2>Cè2>?yxy?yIOyI!0!I~O>3#z yxy?yIOyI XHOLA AMIGOS !! XIN THIS PART ( THE >CHOOSE SCREEN PART< ) YOU CAN CHOOSE YOUR SCREEN TYPE. FOR FULL ENJOYMENT IN THIS DEMO CHOOSE IT NOW ! XO.K. NOW SOME INFORMATIONS ABOUT THE FIRST TWO PARTS OF THIS DEMO: THEY ARE REALLY OLD, SO DON'T MIND IF YOU DON'T LIKE 'EM. I STARTED PROGRAMMING IN THE BEGINNING OF THE YEAR 1990 AND IN THIS TIME I CREATED THE FIRST PARTS AND BY BECOMING B997C77C7 77C7&7-C47;7B7I7P2W>^2e2l>s2z22>22>2222  # *18 ?FT[b pw ~        &4;B PW ^ ls z  $    X 2 / , ) #X ]]X $   ETTER IN PROGGING I HAD TO IMPROVE THE PARTS AND SO IT TOOK A REALLY LONG TIME TO CREATE THIS DEMO. I HOPE YOU GOT ME! BUFF! XTHANK YOU VERY MUCH.X XTHIS DEMO IS NOT PROTECTED, CODED OR ANYTHING ELSED .X PLEASE DON'T HACK. IF THERE IS ANY ERROR WHILE LOADING THERE IS NO CHANCE TO CONTINUE, SO DON'T PULL OUT THE DISC BEFORE OR WHILE LOADING. I GUESS MY DEMO WORKS ON ALL TYPES OF CRTC, CPCS, AS FAR AS I KNOW ONLY ON DRIVE A, ON 64K AND MORE MEMORY, ON GREEN AND COLOUR SCREEN .X TO COPY THIS DEMO DON X X X             X X X X X X X X X X X X X X XXXX X X XH <0$X*1'T LOOK FOR ANY BUILD-IN COPY-FUNCTION 'CAUZ DERE IZ NO! USE ANY COPY-PRG. WHICH BEATS MY FORMAT. BUT NOW HAVE FUN IN THE WORLD OF BTA DEMO 1 X& SEE YA, BTA @ OF @ THE @ BIT-ARTISTS IN THE * YEAR * 1991 X@X XBYE! & XX# X### XXxx XXX4xx40XXXX¦X2xx22xx2ĀĀ00tt00tt00XˆˆX4xxxGXX,¦LX2 x XHxXa@Xd XV4`Xaa``4VX+00#XX\X]XJ€X?FT[p &4;PlX I0I II!8x0!18 0x0I>TIy>TIy>KIy>VIy>RIyͭ.vv>TIy>TIy>CIy>NIy>\Iy ͓0:1}0!10XBXT]µ.!"3"v0!.6#6#:u0 $*v0~ !"3#"v0 o&)X8"s0<2u0[s0!w P Ss0 X:12!x08 1>F21>21Ϳ0Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIXXXLJjxX4iJX4i„X#4i„X¦L X#4jH4[j4##XX­XJj#4j[VXXXXXሄj```XjX##X##XXXe5BBpBB5eLV@@VLüᖑӃӀJ5ee5JX#V# X##X#LL#X#LXL#XXX4C@XC4X XX JX&apVXVpa&xVVxᦈXxtxᦈ XӦXxxXX4p4W%%WXXLJ``JLXkx5^kx[޷X XX XXXXXXX XXXX X X X     X X  X XXX  X  XXX X X X X  X X  X XXX    XXXX X   X X XXX   XX XX    h X2t4a2t4yĄ4t2 XĄ44p`Xpp`Xp4XXL½e!XXL½e0XeLe5`X5ei XxXX4pq` Xqp4Lx#X#xL##ᦈXyy¦X4p`Xpp`Xp4XXXXX X4p`Xpp`X$XXXXXe5`X5exXppXxXXX0XeL`Xpp`X XXX0X0X X44 XX X XX`X5e Xx44 X0 XeL``qapaq`X4i¦i4XXi4 Xi` Xp4XXX&apa` X# X# X#0 X& X X XXXX X X XX       X X XXXX XXX    X  X XX  XXXX  X X     X XXX X   X X     X X appq` XxV XxVX0Xx0Xe5`X5ex XxLiV XXJ%t0XeL4p`Xpp`XXXXXӭttӦXe5`X5ex XxLiVX#XJ%t00y}4p`Xpp`XXXXiVXӭttӦJ%t0X44#V%qq%V#XXXXӭt00tӦ44XX X XF$` X5e XxLiV XXJ%t0XeLG4t2 XĄy4t2X2t4yX` Xapa& X#ᦈ X#0 X#W%4V#X#V4%Wi4VV4i„XiiXWiӦXiWW%4V#X#V4%Wi4VV4i„ X  XX X X        XXX  X X      X XX X X X X       X  XX X  X  X X XXXX   XXXi„XWiӦ XV4 X#V44VX4i„LX4i„XiӦXXp0t4[XxĄXXXXX XX XXX XXX XXX  XXX XXX  XXX XX XXX XXX  XYXXXX XXXX X XX XXXX XXXXXX X  X XXX XXX XXX XXX X XX X  X X X X XX  XX X X XXX  X X X XXXXX  XXX X X  XX X XXXXX X X XXXX  XX X XXXXX X X X X X  XXXX X  XXX  XXXX X X  XX  XXXXX XXXXXX XXXXX X X X XX X XXXXXXX X XXXX X XXXX X X    X X  XXXXXX  XXX X X     XX X XXXXXXX XXXXX X X X  X  Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIXX XXX X XX X XXXX X   X X X X XX XX XXX X  X     XX X X XXXXX X XXX X XXXX XXX XX XX  XXXX X XX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX XX X XX X XX X X X X X  X  X XX X X XX X X  X X  X X X XX X X  X X X XX XXX X X  X   X   XX  XX X X XXXXX  X X    X  XXXXXXXX XX X           XX                X            XXXX XX X X X XX X XX X X XX X XXX X X X X XX X X XX X X XXX X XX X X X X X X X X XXX X XX X X X X X XX X XX X XXX XX            X         X X     X             X    X   XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXX XXX XXX XX XXX XXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX X X X XX XX X X XXX X X XXX X X X XXX X  X XXXX X XXXX XXX X X X X XXXX X X X XXXX XXXXX X XX  X X X X XXX X XX   X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXX XXXXXXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X XXX X XX X XXXX X  XX XXXX X X X  X X X X X  XX X X XX X XX XX X X  X XXX X X X XX X XXXX X X XX X XXX X XXXX X  X X X X   XX X    XXXX   XX X   X   XX     X X  XX  X    X  X  X XX    X   Track-Info  NABCDEFGHIXXX X X XXX XX X XXXXX X XXXXX X X X X XXXX XXX XX XXXX XX X X XXXXXXX X X XXXXXX XXX XXX X X XXX XXXXXXXX XXXXX XX XXX X XX XXX XXXXXXXXX X XXXXX X XXXXXX XXX XXX X XXXXXXXX X XXXXX X XXXXX X XXXXXXXw0IpX```0           ''JNOW0p0pXpXpp0p0(0pp0pXpXppp0vpIpX```p000           NIOXJ0ppXpXpЀpX XXX XXXX XXX X XXXXXXXXX XXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXX XX XXX X XXXXXX XXXXXX8XXXXX X XXXXX XX XX XX XX XXXX XXX XXXX!y^#V#!B᯹  ~w ##W~w ## W~(_zw#} l}(  #  kRut X NI7 o I00ppXpXppp(wwww3wvpp(0pppXpXpp0pvpX pX```pXpXp          X!X!0b@!!b!/~X "~(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } N NNNNNENNNNNN NNNNNN NN$NNw Xff pX`````pXpXpCN          I NI00p0pXpXppp0(vpX`` p``````     BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91     JIϟI00ppppppX*HJpX``````````` p```?IJ?0pI0pppppppp*XHIpX```````` 0fffwXwXwC  BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91        ϟIJ 0p)0pppXpXp0pp`w0IpX```p 0XXC          N NI'W0wwww3wX)0ppppXpXppppTrack-Info  NABCDEFGHIìÜ' X.:FR`n"ˡ"š>2¡"͡"ǡ>2á"ϡ"ɡ>2ġ"b">2"b">2"b">2yxy?yIOyI"ѡ>?2!622¡22á22ġ2 2 2:-(:22>?|! ׼!\##*ѡM N#F!qp|w}w>w:¡s:áĝ:ġǝ::E:Ě!~ !~!~Ǡ:[š!o [ˡSšnfR:[ǡ!o [͡Sǡnf`:[ɡ!o [ϡSɡnfn!^Vsr!22X9 ; < ; < #@ 1< 8; ?9 F; M< T> b7 p0 w2 ~4 7 4 7 9 9 9 ; < 9 ; < 9 ; < ; < @ < ; 9 &; -< 4> B7 P< W9 ^7 e; l< s@ < > < 2 4 6 4 9 *4 87 ?9 M2 [0 b2 p4 7 4 6 9 ; < - 0 4 *2 B0 I2 P4 e7 z7 4 6 9 ; < *9*;1<8;T7p*4082*4 9<*>B7I>P@lNF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFkg`i2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i2!^Vsr!NF! nfR|! ut~_<(NFk>g`i222 : 2O>|> |^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!ӡnf^{(WM|>L|:2~(O>|:2NQ>|z(z( > |zO> | z2 :2O>|22 :2O>|> |^V!~G(&Wou<8>C#A8@TC[1CGGEEECAAEC@4E;#E^GeEsCC@ECCA  XEGH#4*;1<8>FJM;[9b7p0~4L2402JLNJL0/0- /02C&E-/;-B+P(^He+sLz02N6796798<8;T7p84898<87P849;X  X  tutFNx(~(p~o&)!ӡnf^{(W>M|>L|:2~(O>|:2NQ> |z(z( > |zO> | z2 :2O>|22:$2O>|> |^V!~G(&WoututFNx(~(p~o&)!ӡnf^{(W>M|>L|: 2~(O>|:2NQ> |z(z( > |zO> | z2:2O>|:-X 9X***Y٧MX&H$FƢM / h aw GGp1S$~Z8 X X  X  XX X   X X X                             #4*;1<8>M;[9b7p0~4240820/0- /02-/;-B+P(e+z02679679 X X X XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX[%%%%%%kkkkkkkk{fR?- wqjd_YTPKGC?<852/-*(&$"  X!Ƣ!!$!FɤtܣLhĨ$D@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ѥѥѥѥ8٧٧::::88ݩݩ~CCCCާާww::ttttttttX  X    X   X : : :> > >XXX X X X X X X X k k k k k k k k k k k k k kkkkX;<>@<#>*@1<8;?<F>M;T<[>b9i@p<w@~>@9@7@9@;@<@;@47<;47B>P8<8; X  X  X  XpoXp!pp!p!Pp!ppp!--%*-1%8!F-M%[%b%i-p!~--%%-%!--%%%!--%              X                X---%#-*11-8+F+M+T%[+b1i+p0~00%010222%212X---#-1-8+F+M+[+i+p0~0000222Track-Info  N A B C D E F G H IXXX XXX{?ρề}XXXXXX0pXX0XpX 0pXCXX??XX??XXX>X??XXX??X??>XX?8XDX @pX8D  8pDX{{ X>X??????X??X?X??X?????? XXXXXXXX?XXXXXXX????? X???????XXXXXX?X<>??????????????XZX)XqXX???X?????????????????? X X? X???/7;=>???????????????X???????????????????????? XX X??????????????@?????X XX? X?????XXXXXX X X X X X? X?fd?fd?fd?fdXXXX X?X X?? X?X???????????????????><X?? X????XX&XX??%XXX~Xǁ~XXCXX3X`XxX~ǝX~XxX`*X"XX @X"X @ XX?X?777777777777777X?pXXX??X????XX?XX X(XX@x?33?0 3X'X??X????XXXXX??XX? X? X?XPXXXX????X??????XX?X?X?XX? X?XT\^?X?p? XXX XHHXTrack-Info ! N!A!B!C!D!E!F!G!H!I!?6!*81V;R THAN THE R-SCROLLING IN TERRIFIC DEMO BOING-PART AND SO YOU MIGHT BE ABLE TO READ IT WITHOUT TRANSFORMING TO A SKELETON.X I THINK THIS IS THE BEST YOU EVER SAW FROM ME! SO ENJOY IT AND .X GUESS THE CHAIN!X XXXXkXP X X X XE XD XXQ XP X X" X XE X XXX@@XXX``XX````0P0p@P0``@@0@@0P X@ X00X00XX`00`X``XpXX0XXpXXXX0`X0@`0``@pXpX0`0`` 0p``0`XXp``0`p``0`Xppp```ppp``00XX0X0`0XXXppXX00XXp00`X0X`XpXpXX```p``PX`XX0`@`0X``X`pX@X0p``0X`00p00X0``0p``@``p`XX`X0X `00``X`Xp``X 0X0XXX`XXP`XX`XX`X0X`XP``p````@XpP X@XXp`XXX*X X" X X X X XXXXXXX@@XXX X X X X XPX@@TnXHI GUYS, WATTA YA THINK O' DIZ ANIMATION ?X [X \]^_`abcdefghijkn .X O.K. THRILLER, IT LOOKS LIKE THE BOING-PART OF TERRIFIC .X BUT I LIKED IT, REALLY ! XIF YOU READ THIS TEXT YOU DON'T READ ANOTHER TEXT. HEY, IN '92 GENESIS WILL HAVE FINISHED A WORLD-TOUR. AND THIS IS GREAT 'CAUSE I LIKE GENESIS (ESPECIALLY THE VERY, VERY OLD SONGS AND ALBUMS). BUT NOW THE INFORMAX0`0pX`00p00X@X`XPX`XX` `0X``XP`X``X@0`X`@`X`0pX```Xp0pXX   XX  XXX  X X X   X X   X X XXXXAXAX*XTXXTXXDXXXXXQX@XXX @@@X@@XXEXDXXUX(XUXXEX"XPXXTXXXXXXUX*XAX XEXTION ABOUT THE FIRST TWO OR THREE PARTS OF THIS DEMO: THESE PARTS HAVE BEEN PLANNED, DESIGNED AND CODED MANY MONTHS AGO AND SO .X THEY ARE REALLY NOT THE BEST. BUT AS TIME PASSED I ALWAYS TRIED TO IMPROVE THESE PARTS WITH MORE OR LESS SUCCESS.X XBUT THE NEXT, NOT HERE NAMED BIT-ARTISTS-PRODUCT WILL REALLY THE BEST! I GUESS SOME POEPLE KNOW, WHAT I TALK ABOUT.X XSO WAIT FOR IT AND: AGAIN A BIG, BIXG SORRY FOR THE LONG WAITING-TIME FOR THE BTA-DEMO 1 .X XI WILL SEE YOU! ,XBTA OF THE BIT-ARTISTS ON TXXX QXXXXXXX(XU@@XXX"XXXXXXXXXXXX>>( <02&*$XXX**X>XX> X "&*2"X">>" $>> <"  <"">X""""""XX X>>X"".*. "">"X<""<""<" X"8$"X$8> < >> < X &"""X>"XXX$"$(0($" X>"6**"X""2*&"""X<""< X"X*$<""<($" <>X"X"X"X*XHE 13TH OF APRIL IN THE YEAR OF THE BIG SUCCESS '91 XXXXTX(XUX(XEXXXXXX"XEX XX XUX(XPXXDXX@XXXX@*@@@@D@XT(XXXXXX*XQXXEX XXXXPXXXXX"XUX*@PXX XAXXXXEXXXXXXX HI ! IF YOU READ THIS TEXT YOU MIGHT HAVE A LOT OF PATIENCE ALTHOUGH IT ISN'T VERY LONG! XTHIS IS THE RASTERSCROLLING ! IT IS A LITTLE FASTETrack-Info " N"A"B"C"D"E"F"G"H"ITXUX"XQX X"XXXXTXXDXXX*XXXTXXEXXTXXXXXXEX !$'*.158<@DHMQQOMLJHGECB@>=;:875421eX0)# iX !$(+.2582ɔ!d"ǔ!j"Ŕ*Ŕ*ǔ "Ŕ*I*M~#~+*K*Mw#w++w#w+*I*M+w#w++Xw#w#w#w#w+X*)#")~*)~(~ 8&o)Xc"K~_8>^&o`@"M!`@"M!c"K!k")kX+`@> +*HEY YOU, YEAH YOU! FUCK OFF!X: &o)>T#w: =2  >2 : &o)>K#w!I* X X XU X XXXXXXX:XEXXAXXAX XPXXX"XX H X XH H XH HH X X X"X(XXAXXXQXXXXUXAXXXXX XXXEXXQ@@X XXXX"XX XUXXX XXXDX*XXX(XPXXX"XXXXXX̤!! !6?: !gI!Ί!5_r#s#>2 .!ؔ"֔~2Ք!6To!K"͔>2ɔ!d"ǔ!TKROTTTTT T T T T TTT!C": "*~ !C#" o&)XS"<2[!@w`@SX*Д*Ҕ:Ԕ_~Iy~Iy##~ *Д~ *ҔX >2Iy>KIy2XKKJZBON@WVE\TTKT X22112X112X332 XKK[[B_B[[KGGFLFGGK2XKKJZBON@WVE\TTKT X22112X112X332 XKK[[B_B[[KGGFLFGGK2XKKC[S_WWUUDDTTKT X22112X112X332 XKKNNL\LNNKLNJRFU_KXXXXXXXXXxXTHXmc7XjdXؔK[SRRS[K0X`0000 1P1j"Ŕ!"!">2!c"J!8x0! "9II0II2Ix0x0χIIyIEIxIINv:̔(2̔!a@`@_5!u:ɔ:ɔv)X͚͂5 IIx0III&II(II.I I0I II!J8M!C"IIIIi>TIyIX!|">2Ԕ!T"Ҕ!7"Дͅ!"M>2̔>_Iy>LIy>2!"II II II:ϔ1112@2p222303`3333 4P44445@5p555606`6666 7P77778@8p888909`9999 :P::::;@;p;;;X`X @ ` Ā@Š` ǀ@` €@à` ŀ@Ơ` @` À@Ġ` ƀ@ǠXXXXXX#X HELLO GUYS'N'GIRLS..  IN THIS SCROLLING OF MY LAST PART YOU WILL FIND THE CREDITS TO ALL OF THE PARTS YOU SAW 'TILL NOW!  SO LET US START NOW.  THE SELECTION-PART - ROUTINES (OLD ONES) BY BTA  GRAPHICS BY BTA  SAIy:IyX>2Ԕ!"Ҕ!"Дͅ!@@II@I!&"!"I0I !IͤX:<2(>2ϔ>2>2ϔ:=2(%Iy*^#V Ii Ia>2Iy*##~#^+ !"^#V Ii IaHey, you fuckin' hackin' ass! Go out of my demo or die !X Yours, BTA .X:<2¼>2*^#V"R >2R >2::< >2*##^#~+ !c"*!:(tu#X##ütu##} !##} !##:(!fnut##!UMPLE FROM AMIGA TRANSFERED BY CUFFMASCHIEN  SOUND ARRANGED BY BTA (GOOD ??)   THE 1ST PART - ROUTINES AND GRAFIX BY BTA  THE SMALL BTA-LOGO BY ASSE  SOUND OF THE HUBBA- BUBBA PART (TERRIFIC DEMO) BY WE!  OLD, OLD TEXT BY BTA AND ASSE (JANUARY '90) THE SPACE-PART - ROUTINES AND GFX AGAIN BY ME STAR-ADRESSES GENERATED WITH A BASIC PROGRAM BY MTI THE SOUND OF MEGAAPOCALYPSE HACKED BY BLACK MISSION  SORRY, ONLY OLD (BEGINNING OF 1990) !nf^Vut####*!U~ T~ ! &o)X) ut###"~ !>&o)X ut###">72҅Still hackin', eh?X Go suck eggs! A hint .X .X try adress #C0X !X>TIy:I*!5X >Ty*"ѷ!6R>2ɔ!d"ǔ!j"Ŕ!"*͔~ &o)X["Ô!d~O:ՔW>T~O:ՔW>Ty(rwq(rwi(rwa(rwY(rwQ(rwI(rwA(rww##########*֔#~ !ؔ"Track-Info # N#A#B#C#D#E#F#G#H#IA DISC- AND KEYBOARD- ROUTINES BY BTA   SO! THIS WERE ALL THE CREDITS. NOW I WANT TO SPEAK OUT MANY THANKS TO THE FOLLOWING PERSONS: ASSE - THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR PATIENCE AND MORAL YOU SPENT IN ME AND WE'LL BEAT THE DISTANCE AND THE BARRIER ! MY PARENTS, ALL MY FRIENDS HERE IN BITBURG: M.E. (THE MAN WITHOUT A PSEUDO) CYRIC, TPN AND ASCON THE LEMMING DANIEL THE AMERICAN  WE! . YOU, WHO ALWAYS DID HELP ME THANXX!!  EXCALIBUR WHO CABTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91ME TOGETHER WITH WE! TO MY HOME AND WHO IS A REAL COOL GUY  MR. HARD . ON AMIGA! HEY MEMBER OF CUFFMASCHIEN !  THRILLER THE FUNNY 1 BSC FROM COLOGNE .  AND THRILLER, YOU WERE RIGHT: G O D ! WITHOUT HE WE WEREN'T ABLE TO LIVE THIS LIFE !  THANKS TO EVERYONE OF THEM AND: GOOD WORK! AND NOW HAVE FUN WITH THE REST OF THIS PART AND BE PREPARED FOR THE NEXT BTA OR BIT-ARTISTS PRODUCT   YOURS, BTA 13.4.91  {!ڤ!ˤ!~ "~BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } X!?V@!0V!?~X "~(OT]~w++ ~+~w++| } ~)1VBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info $ N$A$B$C$D$E$F$G$H$IBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info % N%A%B%C%D%E%F%G%H%IBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info & N&A&B&C&D&E&F&G&H&IBTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91BTA DEMO #1 written by BTA of The Bit-Artists This is a lazy sector +++ ----------------BTA Discsys V1.0 all rights reserved ****************this demo's not protected ----------------going to the BASH tomorrow ++++++++++++++++ guess I need some money have to earn it >>> no way |||||||||||||||| O.K. Greetings <<<<<<<<>>>>>>>> BTA DEMO #1 '91Track-Info ' N'A'B'C'D'E'F'G'H'I